Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Review: WAG-Tin Crown

* Originally published in Publik/Private.

Remember the multiple phases of excitement you went through during a long and highly anticipated road trip?
First, there is the initial excitement that kicks in when the car door closes, the engine gets started and the radio is turned up as you creep onto the open road. Then, after some time, there is that frustration felt when heavy traffic is hit on the freeway, and that moment of complete relaxation when you hit the long stretch of an open two lane road as you glide between the coast on one side and flat fields on the other.
WAG's newest single, "Tin Crown".
Photo from
And you experience a sigh of relief when the destination is finally reached.
There is a good song to sing along to while it floats and oozes out of your speakers like San Francisco’s fog over the hills in the morning time.
"Tin Crown" is that song. The Pavement-esque riffs and vocals that range from melodically lethargic to a frustrated growl that is reminiscent of an escape from angst that only a multiple-hour drive could evoke within you.
WAG takes a step away from the garage rock sound that has been such a heavy influence on many Bay Area bands in recent years. While many scream the scene here is dying, the band is here to tell you that it isn’t, and songs like "Tin Crown" are the reason why the scene is very much alive and healthy.
"Tin Crown" is a track that could easily be playing in the background when you’re curled up just enjoying the company of somebody close. But at times it feels perfect for moments of romantic frustration due to the lack of a lover’s phone call. The last line goes “writing on the wall is just too much to handle, but I’m handling fine,” though it’s hard to believe that’s completely true.
The chorus transitions easily between the verses, however, the highlight of the song comes during the breakdown. The tempo drops, and two fuzzed out guitars mirror each others melodies for a few measures before the original pace comes back, and the song comes to an end.
So take a listen, relax and get lost, but don’t stray too far. You’ll want to make it home in time for the release of their full length debut, "No Worries".
The LP is to be dropped May 31. It’s a self release, with records pressed by L.A.’s DRecords.

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